4. Access control

4.1 Business requirements of access control  

4.1.1 Access control policy   

An access control policy should be established, documented and reviewed based on business and information security requirements.  

  • Determine appropriate access control rules, access rights and restrictions for specific user roles, with the amount of detail and the strictness of the controls reflecting the associated information security risks.
  • Develop the policy taking into account of the following:
    a) security requirements of business applications;
    b) policies for information dissemination and authorization, e.g. the need-to-know principle and information security levels and classification of information;
    c) consistency between the access rights and information classification policies of systems and networks;
    d) relevant legislation and any contractual obligations regarding limitation of access to data or services;
    e) management of access rights in a distributed and networked environment;
    f) segregation of access control roles, e.g. access request, access authorization, access administration;
    g) requirements for formal authorization of access requests;
    h) requirements for periodic review of access rights;
    i) removal of access rights;
    j) archiving of records of all significant events concerning the use and management of user identities and secret authentication information;
    k) roles with privileged access.

See also CIS Control 5 Account Management and CIS Control 6 Access Control Management.

4.1.2 Access to networks and network services   

Users should only be provided with access to the network and network services that they have been specifically authorized to use.

  • Develop a policy concerning the use of networks and network services. This policy should cover:
    a) the networks and network services which are allowed to be accessed;
    b) authorization procedures for determining who is allowed to access which networks and networked services;
    c) the means used to access networks and network services (e.g. use of VPN or wireless network);
    d) user authentication requirements for accessing various network services;
    e) monitoring of the use of network services.